Monday, 28 May 2007

My voyages through the blogosphere

As of late, it seems I've been trying to think of any excuse not to revise, the latest in a line of procrastination tools has been to sit at the computer for hours on end on the Internet. The other day i was "blog hopping", you know, when you visit one of the usual blogs, then you click on a link which leads you to another blog, then you find another link which seems interesting, thus the cycle continues until you realize you have wasted a whole afternoon "blog hopping", You simultaneously realize that you could have spent that time in a more productive manner i.e. revising and suddenly all those blogs you read don't seem so interesting anymore. Although i did find two blogs which i found very interesting and highly entertaining and would happily spend a whole afternoon reading/watching them.

  1. Ummah Films A kind of video blog, very entertaining particularly the reminder videos , i love the simplicity of it, just one guy and his camera. That's it. No special effects. No fancy editing. Simple.
  2. Rate your students I'm sure everyone's been on a blog where teachers complain about their students. Normally these are high school students, sometimes primary school students, even college students on the odd occasion. However i never expected to find a sight where university lecturers complain about their students, yet it beats them all, it's done with a certain wit and humour that can only be achieved once you've completed a PhD and a few extra degrees on the side. One thing that amazed me was that how much influence American lecturers had over their students grade, many of the complaints were about students literally begging for the lecturer to change their grade as if it's the done thing in America??!! i think the only say my lecturers get in my grade is that the write the exam paper that's it, they don't mark it, a computer does that. And besides if your not going to turn up to any of your lectures or hand in your assignment on time then perhaps, just perhaps you might deserve the rubbish grade that you've got??


hema said...

blog hopping is the best!! it may be a waste of time in some ways, but you can discover some really valuable blogs that way.

hey, not all teachers complain about their jobs!!

what do you want to do when you leave uni?

Atypical said...

lol haha yeh i know all teachers doen't complain (wink wink) but it's funny when they do...

Well i am thinking of going into educational psychology that means i have to do a PhD after my degree i really don't fancy studying anymore but then i see/read something which makes me wanna become an educational psychologist even i'm in two minds about it at the moment!!

hey you did a PGCE after degree how did it feel to carry on studying?

Anonymous said...

I despise ummah films, muslim humour at its driest. and really not funny.

Anonymous said...

Haalloooo!!! Sorry its been a while, I'm still struggling getting back to all the things I used to do before exams. Blog hopping is fun and I agree, a v quick way of wasting time indeed.

I know this is on the wrong post but you know that book, does my head look big in this? Is it yours...?

Atypical said...

oooo i've got my fisrt anonymous comment a faceless, nameless, agesless comment the mystery of it!! anyyway as regards to your comment each to their own i suppose

well it's my cousins book i could ask her if you can borrow it also it is a good book but i think i forgot to say that ultimately it is a teen book......anyway im waiting for a taxi, coming to meet you at the train station anyway so i'll speak to you there:)

Anonymous said...

hmmm well mishy im sure JATM will pass on a book when you lend me a copy of catch me if you can... i mean i have been asking for it over a a year now!

i think blog hopping is a waste of time- maybe u should use your time to write more poems- it seems you have quite a descriptive imagination;)
someone recommended ummah films to me once but never been on the site- thanks for the link