Friday, 8 June 2007

Post Exam Euphoria (P.E.E.) (heehhee)

Day 1:Last exam was on Tuesday, i was eagerly awaiting the moment when i stepped out of the exam hall without the thought of going home to revision. Every cell in body was zipping around in hyper mode in anticipation of that moment. Yet when the moment came, my heart wasn't in it, i pathetically attempted the exam which i thought was going to be the easiest and came out miserable. I felt depressed...the exam was so damn hard.... as i sat waiting for my friends to come out every other face showed the same downcast look.
However my mood quickly changed once it was decided
we would go for a celebratory meal at Nando's, The combination of good food and friends is a good one and does wonders to your mood. My good mood continued once i got home, i revelled in doing nothing except for jumping from the computer to the T.V, to the kitchen. It was bliss.
Day 2: The next day the real P.E.E. kicked in, spending a delightfully sunny day shopping, again with good food and friends heightened my mood greatly. An hour after getting home, it was time to go to work, once i got there i found out my manager wasn't in (i felt kinda bad about that, her steering lock was stuck...) and My managers manger wasn't in ( i was over the moon about this it meant we could go home early :)) and we hadn't been opened for 4 weeks meaning we probably wouldn't have much kids in anyway. However once the kids started arriving everything went down hill.. We didn't have a register, so we had to improvise, we didn't have the cash box, again we had to improvise, we were only allowed to use one room because of staff numbers, (having 14 pre-pubescent boys and three staff in one room is very very hard), the children were arguing with us about who was over 12 and who wasn't, we realised we had banned a boy after we let him (trying to get him out wasn't easy at all), to top it all of the set off the fire alarm so we kicked everyone out, then they began throwing stuff (eggs, stones, you know the kinda stuff) at windows demanding their money back..and all this was within the first half hour..... i was over flowing with stress as i drove home my head was hurting.. however driving home very fast as the sun sets with the window open , on an empty road is the best method of clearing your head. Once i was home i was happy again, albeit exhausted
Day 3: My first official day of rest after exams again total can't beat doing nothing all day!!
Day 4: (Today) The combination of the two "F'S" has succeeded in making my day again. A picnic in the park , with homemade cake (recipe coming soon), pizza, Disney princess tablecloth, Winnie the pooh napkins, plenty of squirrels and menacing ducks/swans/geese and of course a good group of friends made for an excellent day.

There you have it, the highs and lows of P.E.E!!!!


YMiss said...

the cake was gorgeouuuuuuuuuuuuuus!! Can't wait for the recipe esp. for the home made jam!
Oh and I saw that I was a contribution towards 2 days of happiness i'm now promoting myself to a best friend in the running position ;) ahhhhhhhh to be 7 again when 'your my best friend' were words which actually held some meaning *BIG sigh*
I'm sending out the pics btw couldn't figure out how to send them all at once so doing them 5 at a time - I have over 60....don't bet on getting them all tho my patience might just run out.

YMiss said...

update........i have so much 2 write but cant be bothred....

Atypical said...

haha i know what you mean, at primary school it was the best feeling to have a best friend it meant everything, by the time you get to uni you know too many people to have one best friend!! but ymiss my dear you're definatly high up there!!
ok i know you said don't bet on getting them all but two emails??!! tsz's sent hers half of them must be the same as yours...that must mean you don't have to send half of them out anyway......
i expect to see them in my inbox (i wanted to say in my office but it doesn't work)
you can't say you've got alot to say and then not say it!!! or write even