Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Hardship and Ease...

*sigh*, I’m writing this as I sit in my dinky 2x2 testing cubicle at uni. I’m supposed to be testing participants but I’m having no luck, the apparent roll I was on yesterday has….well…unrolled… (?). I’ve become an almost permanent fixture in the corridor whilst looking for first and second years to participate in my study. I’ve tested 35 participants, I need another 45 by…well…as soon as possible really but my aim is to get them all done by Sunday, Monday at the latest. I have two 2000 word essays to write by the 21st of April and a whole dissertation to have completed ideally by the same date, so I can hand in my draft to my tutor, after that I have about 3 weeks too revise my backside off for exams. After that?...well after that I can rest knowing that I will never have to sit another exam in my life, that my life in formal education will be over, that I have a whole summer of doing whatever I wish (within reason of course) without feeling bad that I’ve wasted valuable time that could have otherwise have been spent doing uni work …that, my dear readers will be the ease to my hardship. Every time I think about it, it makes me smile, in fact it makes me break out in the goofiest of grins. However for the moment I will have to deal with irregular sleep patterns, irregular eating patterns, of being exhausted all the time, of constantly thinking about how much work I’ve got left to do, no going anywhere unless it’s to test participants, after all, you have to work hard for the ease, right?


Anonymous said...

Is 21st April the deadline for the whole thing or just your draft? I know how you feel, I still need to do my project (30 pages, done 6) and a 3,000 word essay I haven't touched :S
A cocktail of tea and red bull will get us through I think (hope)

Atypical said...

nope just the draft well thats not really the fixed deadline for it either but i wanna give it to my tutor then so she can go through it properly the finished project is due on the 28th. We don't really have a word limit on ours but they recommended keeping it between 6,000 to 10,000. Things got better actually after i wrote this post, i started doing some research for one of the essays and it actually all made sense to me, it's funny how one paper can bring everything togther! and then i got three more participants later on...
i hate red bull!! i usually stick with hot chocolate, it's sweet enough to give a boost of energy...

YMiss said...

aww wow its not been your week has it! You can do it! I love the after hardship must come ease saying...very motiviating. I can do your experiment on sunday or anytime next week :)

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Vinho, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://vinho-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.

Sketched Soul said...

As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sister,

Does it work to test people through the net??

Insha'Allah I pray you get enough participants in lots of time to get your essay done.

....yes, yes, it is lovely not having to ever worry about exams! :)

May Allah make it easy for you. Ameen.

Wa'alaykum as-salaam
Love Farhana

Atypical said...

Ymiss: yep it's a brilliant saying and it is very motivational

Vinho: your scary. I don't want to be on a blog about wine. I'm a muslim...

Farhana: I'm not testing on the net as it's a memory test for faces i need to be there to explain things to the participants and stuff so i can't do it on the net , but yeh it would have been easier!!, Thanks for your prayer i didn't get 80 but i got 73 which is good enough!!

General update: i was researching for one of my essays (what information do gestures represent?) from some books i got from the library. I got loads of inforamtion which was exactly what i needed, i turn on the laptop to add to my pathetic excuse of an essay and then get distracted by the oh so inticing internet....oh well 28 days left..

Anonymous said...

wooohoooooo post about handing in the bane of your existance