A God send (literally!)
My mouth literally hung open when I saw these pins, I stumbled across them on my latest journey through the blogosphere (You know one of those journeys when you aimlessly hop from one blog to another in a quite erratic manner...)The reason for my jaw hanging open was that I finally found what I’ve been waiting for my entire life, Well ok maybe not entire life but the proportion of it that has been spent wearing a hijaab, I remember thinking every time a pin got caught in my scarf and damaged it “why are these damn coils there anyway”. Then some genius some where (Lets presume it’s a woman…well…cause why would a man think of such an ingenious idea?) actually read the minds of hijaabis the globe over and actually invented…wait for it…COILESS PINS. Yes people someone actually came up with the concept and made them, whoever it was I want to give them a hearty pat on the back. I had to buy them the instant I saw them and use them the instant they arrived. I cannot tell you how good it feels to put my hijaab on knowing that when it comes to taking it off there will be no snags/holes/frustrated noises (coming from me, not the scarf…). So I considered it my duty to pass on this amazing find, in the hope of bringing an end to snags/holes/frustrated noises (coming from you, not the scarf…), the world over :D
Oh yeh i suppose you'll be needing the link :D link
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sister,
Haha.. this is perfect! I should get some. I used to use those with the plastic front, which break.. and now am stuck with the regular coil kind.. and well, yes..they do ruin everything they touch..hehe
Jazaki'Allahu khair for sharing this with us!
Wa'alaykum as-salaam
Love Farhana
omg!! THANK YOU! The coil is the thing which stops me from wearing my prettier hijabs, they always get ruined! The one I wore to baba's...yup got ruined! At first I thought it had been hema's evil eye but then realised it was the damn coil. I'm ordering some now...isn't online shopping so much better!
Yay!! I use those plastic ones too now and although they do the job and don't rip holes all over your scarf, they're too bulky and hard to hide. Nice one! Before everyone goes and buys them though, why doesn't one person just order a bunch and we'll split delivery? Be cheaper than everyone paying their own delivery? For some reason I think i'm too late...
Wsalam Farhana
They are perfect aren't they, haha yeh the coil ones do ruin everything they touch, at least theres now a solution to THAT problem. :) as i said i consider it my duty to share it with everyone so it wasn't a problem!
Ymiss: haawww that scarf got ruined!!?? same here i've got holes in some of mine cause of those wretched coils....but as i said theres now a solution to THAT problem..yep online shopping is tons better
Mishy: yeh i agree the plastic ones are quite bulky, but as i said theres now a solution to THAT problem :)...sorry love i think your a bit late, it's hard to resist buying them the moment you see them in all there coilless glory...
I've ordered 6 packets, one for everyone in my family (excluding bro and dad of course) and a spare for airways sake. WOO! How long did it take to get them?
Wooaaahhh calm down love. i told you, you clearly weren't able to resist their coilless glory.. and of course a coilles saftey pin is always useful to your dad and brother....errm i think it took about 3-4 days?..
mishy! please give me your spare packet! please u know how wary i am about online shopping! .... hmm ive just asked ymiss for her shoes on ur blog and now this- oh well i have no shame- ill beg!
jtm hellooo... the other day i baked a cake for my mum to take round to the new neighbours and she refused to take it(!) said it looked ridiculous and got my sis to make one instead.... just thought id share that with u since its baking related and u like baking... hmm ill just stick to ben and jerrys when my sisters not around huh ;)
Baba: nice to see you here :) lol it's the other way round in our house, if i bake a cake and theres the tiniest thing wrong with it i won't take it anywhere. My mum on the other hand is like it doesn't matter just take it noone will notice...mmmm Ben and Jerrys
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