Thursday, 21 February 2008

A kodak moment...

So there I was walking along Market Street on my way to uni, when I saw a photographer ardently focussing on something. Now, common courtesy dictates that one does not come in between the photographer and their subject, as I walked round her I turned to look at her object of focus. What I saw, was so simple yet so profound, it made me stop for a brief moment, I wanted to be in the place of the photographer, I would have loved to call that picture my own. What I saw was the personification of innocence, in the form of a girl of no more than five years of age, with hair of the purest blonde and a coat of the sweetest pink, stood with her back to the camera. She was staring up at a shop window, full of perfectly proportioned mannequins clad in barely there swimwear. Immediately I was struck with how perfect an epitome it was of today’s society, a society in which there is a distorted perception of beauty, a society in which young children deem this perception to be correct…


Sketched Soul said...

As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sister,

Isn't it so sad?!

AlhumduliLlah to being Muslims :)

Wa'alaykum as-salaam
Love Farhana

Atypical said...

Walakum Salaam Farhana

It is sad, it does make you feel grateful for being Muslim doesn't it!

YMiss said...

wow defintly a good picture...we need another adventure!

Anonymous said...

OMG JUST Wanted to leave a comment because i was googling something emel related and one of your blog posts came up RE that pieces of a paki book...i also bought it following the emel review and liked the personal touch authors signature!anyway nice coincidence..also checked out some other blogs linked to your page....nice to see theres a community of female muslim bloggers out there thought i would also shamelessly plug my free to remove!!masalaama

Atypical said...

Ymiss: i was thinking that body world exhibiton thingy at manchester museum of science and industry??

Hey Aaliya

Nice to see you here thanks for dropping by. Yeh the personal touches where i nice surprise. Haha don't worry about plugging your blog, i like discovering new blogs!

YMiss said...

oooooooo when do u wana go? Oh wait I can't anymore i'm on placement :(...teaching :) I like the name of aaliya's blog. Think I might do a post with the same title as her blog :) oh wait i came here to have a go at u BLOOMING UPDATE!

Anonymous said...

Yeah I've been waiting for your update ever since you said you were inspired to blog again! As if I don't have anything better to do than check your blog every hour for updates...

Atypical said...

Ymiss: we could go some time in the easter holidays?? yeh i like the name too

Mishy: you know what i had the post all planned out but then a "spanner" was thrown into the works and i was forced to rethink my opinion or more reshape it(my opinion is still the same it's changed slightly...) But a post will be coming soon. although i wouldn't check my blog every hour....

YMiss said...
