Thursday, 9 August 2007

Marbling Memories

A few days ago at the play scheme where I’m volunteering we did marbling. It’s when you get a tray of water, add some oil based inks to it, swirl it around and then place a piece of paper on the surface, the result should transform a white paper to a vibrant sheet full of colour and character… the one I did is below, abit too much red ink came out therefore it does seem to look like someone’s bled profusely all over my paper….

The very act of placing the paper in exciting anticipation on the water sent me back to my primary school days, I think it was in year 4 when marbling became an integral part of our education, we used to back each piece of work we did on a multicoloured marbled sheet. It reminded me of the plastic aprons we used to wear, red ones, blue ones and yellow ones….i always chose the red. Then we would wait eagerly for the next day to see the product, lying on a table covered with newspaper. It took me back to a time where Roald Dhal, Philip Ridley and Jacqueline Wilson were the only authors I cared about. When we would rush to the “big carpet” to see who’s made up world we would be visiting today. I remember the walls were always covered with a plethora of work and various vivid shades of sugar paper. A place where art wasn’t fancy paintings and modern structures, but it was paper mache, clay animals and drawing endless pictures. Where history wasn’t stained with bloodshed and hatred, but was great empires now long lost, the ancient Egyptians and Greeks.

But most of all, I was reminded of a place and a time long gone….


Anonymous said...

hear hear- all them memories made me jump up for joy! i miss childhood sooo much! and i dont think its the same for the youngsters of today as it was 'back in our day'... we did marbling as well! and remember the milk bottles at breaktime and summer fairs- as well as the class pets- we had stick insects for ours! and being allowed to go 'on the grass' was a cause for immense celebration! ah the days....

Anonymous said...

Your marbling thing looks likes something you'd out under a microscope.

Something I loved about primary school was being chosen to help take a display down, oooh I loved that thing you used to take out the staples :)

YMiss said...

mishy - we're not allowed to use children in this way anymore,tis a shame. Pulling out staples as an adult isn't half as much fun as when u were a kid.

I havn't tried marbling whislt i've been on placement. Thanks JTM I shall remember it for next time...can't wait!

Atypical said...

baba: i thought of milk bottles but couldn't fit them in, summer fairs OMG i used to love them CLASS PETS!!! we had stick insects too in year 3/4 in year 1/2 we had rabbits and guinea pigs, good days...

Mishy: lol gee thanks....yeh i remember the display taking down....

Ymiss:i'm glad i've added something to you're repertoire of arts and crafts :D

Anonymous said...

Awwww~ i loved primary!!
Even though i had no clue what's going on in the first year there. (that was year 4 when i came over)
Damn language barrier! Buti remember reading ladies comming in to read with me, and omg i LOVED the Biff, Kipper and Chip series! Awww their magic key!!!
Marbling was a fun time, we did that for our planets display, we marbled in different colours, and paper mached ballons! (back in the days when pluto is still a planet...)
oooo, and the history lessons was fun too! We made all sorts! I remember making mummies with plaster and wrapping cloth round and round them!
and i still miss those summer fairs......... I think we should gate crash one school!

Anonymous said...

yay shu shu i agree(!) ymiss please please let us tag along on one of your placements please!!!!!
The other day i was helping out at this community event and these kids kept on coming to my stall (of bric and brac)- they were sooooooooo adorable- kept on counting out their pennies to but random stuff! I felt so bad when they couldnt afford the stuff ended up reducing prices a couple of times (i know pushover)....