Wednesday, 15 August 2007

I'm all for equal opportunities sooo....

Happy Independence Day India!


YMiss said...

why is their independance day a day after?

Anonymous said...

India...yay we're not a part of you anymore? Mwhahaha just kidding.

Why is their independence day a day after?

Atypical said...

Ahem Ahem settle down children for todays history lesson:

When Pakistan and India seperated Pakistan declared independence straightaway where as India did not...they did it a day after, thus the corresponding independence days are on seperate consecutive days....

(i asked the very same question to my dad, he told me the above :)

Anonymous said...

Ohh that's quite interesting. Well done Det. Quebec.

There was a prog on the other day called Partition, I've recorded and not had a chance to watch it yet, maybe they'll mention the fact that they have diff independence days too.