Friday, 17 August 2007

Personalised packages

Once again due to my laziness i have a back log of posts, so for the next week or so expect a regular stream of posts including book reviews, craft stuff, a bit of controversy and of course the crazy goings on in the world of youth work, but for today....

At the beginning of last week I got a package which just made me smile….The package contained a book which had made me laugh out loud as I read the title, “Pieces of a Paki”. (Yusuf Misdaq) I had read the review of this in Emel magazine and decided to buy it (to be honest it seemed like an odd book, I was intrigued by the name...). The book was wrapped in a Japanese entertainment newspaper, as seen in the picture
the hand drawn speech bubble coming from the man reads, “Open up! a treasure awaits you!”. To top it off the author had signed the book and written a message inside…..

Dear "my name"

Thanks so much for your support, it means alot to me and i hope you enjoy this novel, it was written with heart!



Also as I later learnt the book was published by the authors own publishing company, which isn’t a big hotshot company, but it's a little home-grown out of the basement type thing, he also did the front cover himself. Maybe it’s the creative side of me that loves everything hand made and slightly different but I found myself smiling at it all, it showed some thought had gone into the whole process, right from the moment the idea popped into the authors head to the instant it landed on our lobby floor. It showed that the author cared about his customers, that it wasn’t all about making money and consumerism, ok so he isn’t that famous, so what?, it shows he puts heart into his work, that he appreciates every single customer he gets.

Another example: I love it when I buy something from eBay and the seller has put a little thank you note in, or they give you a free pen or something, I even received a sweet once, I didn’t eat it but it’s the thought that counts!! It makes me truly happy when that happens as it shows that there’s a person behind the package not just a business.


Anonymous said...

Another book, whhhyyyyy???

That's really cool you got a message like that. I erm, print the invoice out and put thanks at the bottom of it when I sell stuff on ebay, does that count?

Anonymous said...

wow u got a signed copy? darn id buy the book just to get the personalised message (shuddup mishy- im not as sad as your HP obsession)... i saw it in emel as wel- but the review of that up first...
I made my first online purchase a few weeks back.. albeit tentively but the books arrived... and theres no card fraud that i know of...(yet)

YMiss said...

baba: aww bless! and I thought I had a fear of technolgy!

My head hurts

Atypical said...

Mish: i havn't even reviwed it yet and you've added it to your list! lol i suppose putting thanks on the bottom is better than people who don't put anything at all!!

Baba: awwww you're first online purchase wat did you buy??, i'm glad it went well for you lol

Ymiss: hope your heads better....

Anonymous said...

I bought mishy another copy of catch me (sheepishly), defy the stars and karen armstrong book... I was pretty nervous to tell you the truth- and the karen armstrong one arrived 4 days late- but it was cool getting packages through the post :D
ymiss- i take it your headache is your excuse for missing a certain tajweed class today? ;)

Atypical said...

Which Karen Armstrong did you buy i'vbe got two of her books you could have borrowed it off me i've got Muhammad a biography of the prophet and islam a short history...

YMiss said...

baba: I had no lift, couldn't find my phone for ages either. I had put it in the fridge along with the milk so wasn't till pretty late on that mum made tea and found it

Atypical said...

ymiss: seriously! you left your phone in the fridge!! really!? lol hahaaahhhaaa thats a classic!! better than mishy putting abit to much oomph in closing the cuboard door and hitting her head:)

YMiss said...

oh come on JTM i'm sure you've done it 2...?