Getting away from it all...
Went to Hollingworth lake the other day, it was a very impromptu decision made by my mum, at first we were all reluctant to go, to put it bluntly nobody could be bothered, but in the end we got up, got in the car and were on our way. Once we were there we decided to take the unbeaten path down the less travelled route, and i must admit it was so nice to be away from cars and buildings and busy streets, the glorious weather just completed the evening. You don't really realise how calm and peaceful the countryside is until you get there, you just can't help smiling at every little thing. We walked through a sun dappled wood, inhaling the fresh earthy scent. We came across a babbling brook, flowing next to a huge, yellow sunlit field, we watched in delight as huge dragonflys danced to the melody of the water and the rhythm of the grasshoper's song, staying still for a fleeting moment, only to be gone the next, continuing with their performance to the sounds of nature. We ambled along, taking as much time as we liked, underneath the perfectly blue sky and the cotton wool clouds. For those few hours, everything was forgotten, as we marvelled the true beauty of God's creation...

Ooohh haven't been Hollingworth Lake for aaaaggeessss. Remember when we went to the reservoir? That was good fun, maybe we should go to Hollingworth Lake seeing as its quite easy to get to etc?
Btw, that "babbling brook" seems familiar? Isn't it the one that Seb got pushed into? *evil grin*
I love the pic of the lone tree in the field, seems a world apart but its just down the road really.
looks good!! almost as good as what my imagination conjours up when I want to get away from it all.
Reminds me of our adventures...we havn't had one since afflek's palace!
Mishy: what resevoir did we got to?? do you mean the one at greenbooth? and when did Seb get pushed into a babbling brook??
Ymiss:we do need an adventure.......
Wasn't greenbooth the reservoir? Or is that somewhere else?
We used to go Hollingworth Lake almost every year in high school and Seb got pushed into one once, was tres funny.
You could come on an adventure tomorrow but noooooo someone's already seen a film! Ooohh! Too good to see a film twice are we Quebec? Oooh!
I was supposed to go with my brother 2moro but ditching him for this lot - im outta my mind!! He's giving me the guilt trip oh well, anyways climbing a mountain would be an I know how about snowdon in wales.....;)
Mishy my dear squishy i havn't seen it yet i'm going tomorrow with my brother and sister to watch it, we have been planning to go since last week but stuff kept coming up, i arranged to go with them first, if i arranged it with you guys first i would have gone with you, it's only fair.... i don't mind watching a film twice. I just wouldn't PAY to watch a film twice, if i liked a film i would happily watch it more than once it's just i would rather not pay for it.....(i've just realised no wonder you're always broke!!!)
yeh i think there was a resevoir at greenbooth...
Ymiss: see your blog for my response to your snowdonia comment....
Yup you hit the nail on the head (as to why I'm always broke). That and some pretty big buys I made last year contributed. Not this year. Nope. Nuh uh. No matter how tempting that Halo Special edition 360 elite looks...
Loving the pics!
favourite on is the tree one, with the cows in the field comming a close second!
Now when will that be?
*Big big smile*
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