I've discovered my first "psychological" illness it's called Selective Hearing Syndrome (S.H.S) and you're all the first to hear about it :)
Prevalence: Mainly found in South Asian women
Age of onset: Symptoms reach their peak in the 60's but symptoms can begin to show as early as the 40's
Although there are no physical symptoms, the illness has several contradictory symptoms which often leaves friends and families bemused and baffled:
- At times sufferers may seem to "ignore" what you have said to them, or it may appear as if they have not heard you, particularly when it comes to greetings and general etiquette phrases such as please, thank you, etc. At a later date the patient may use this as leverage, for example, complain to the accused parents that they have no manners, in such a way that the accused now seems like nothing more than a mannerless brute.
- Another similar symptom is that it may seem as if the patient is not listening at all but in fact their ears are working over drive. Again any information gained will be stored safely and used at a later date for leverage.
- However at other times the patients ears prick at hearing their name and voice various, larger than life conclusions without hearing the rest of the sentence i.e. they may feel the world is plotting against them, and their own family is gossiping about them etc. When in fact the accused said something of a very innocent nature.
- Other more general symptoms may include speaking loudly when there is no need, and requesting people to repeat themselves.
Course of illness: Symptoms can show themselves at any time and without prior warning, therefore there is rarely a fixed pattern.
Co morbidity: Can also occur with various other psychological illnesses such as depression and schizophrenia (particularly paranoid thoughts)
Treatment: As of yet there is none, as once the symptoms are present it is hard to keep them away permanently.
Hahahaha very witty Dr Quebec =D
I'll have you know SHS stands for Springhill High School too, woohoo!
Why thank you Mishy.... at least someone appreciates my wit and charm...i think you need a certain level of intellect to understand it :)
Is that an actual medical condition? We had a kid at school who had it he had a hearing aide and used that to his advantage a little too much!
I have 12mins 2 win a bid on ebay....
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