Monday 19 January 2009

Those little folk again... not the Borrowers..

So there i was "helping" a girl with her space collage and i overhear a snippet from the little folk over in the home corner. I had been following them for some time ( cutting out stars and planets gets boring after... lets say...erm...half an hour!), from what i gathered there was a mum, an older sister, a small boy, a police man and a firewoman who came home from a hard days work. The mum seemed to have set the table out with her top of the range plastic tea set and was now cooking what seemed to be several plastic eggs on her range cooker...then all of a sudden, a typically northern voice shatters the domestic bliss (it was either the small child or the policeman, i'm not sure which, they were brothers you see...) "WHERES MY BREW, I'VE BEEN WAITING TEN THOUSAND HOURS FOR IT!!


Anonymous said...

I love the word brew, bet it sounds amazing when a kid says it!

Anonymous said...

hahahah I love kids :) ahhh thank you for the reminder of why I've decided to give my soul to teaching...maybe its not a pact with the devil after all...

Sketched Soul said...

As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sister,

Haha.. this is so funny!

... and where have you been hiding missy? I hope all is well at your end.

Love Farhana