It was all going to be perfect, i was going to reveal my brand spanking new header which i am totally in love with, Complete with new fonts for the titles etc which took me absolutely ages to figure out how to change, and i actually got how to change the html etc, thus having a new blog i would be inspired to actually write new posts. But alas it is often the best laid plans that fail... I actually shrieked with excitement when i saw the finished product i loved it!! my sister, on the pc all of 2 meters away from me enquired as to what the celebratory shrieks were in aid of. my response "oh you won't get it, it's something blog related" (only someone who has started hopelessly at the gobbledigook that is html will get the feeling of having finally conquered it). So off she goes typing in my blog url and she merely sees the new header, without the absolutely amazing font which goes so perfectly with it, expectedly she appreciated the cuteness of the header but without the font that took me ages to find and which goes swo perfectly with it, it's just like a perfect outfit without the perfect shoes, or like the perfect cake but without the icing!! it's just not possible!! the reason as to why the font made a no show?? it was only installed on my laptop, so frustratingly only i can see the font which matches oh so brilliantly with my header ( which incidently i have taken down as there is no point in having a header without the font) soo my dear readers until i find a way for the world to see the font, this blog will once again be sadly neglected...
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! stop being so damn picky! I want to see the new header and lots of posts to keep me entertained! Besides I would rather find things out via your blog rather then mishy squichy!
oh and have you updated flickr? I want to see grad pics!
your blogs a little different...there's yellow font and and the title fonts for the blogs are a little different...
ok Mishy please tell me you mean a handwrittenesque type font as opposed to a a normal average looking boring font....because it is changed to a fancy schmansy one but i'm the only one who can see it... cause well i'ts installed on my computer...
erm, well the font under your blog title has always been handwrite-y but was actually talking about the font for your blog titles, it's a bit bigger but still a typed font, not a written one. thats not really the answer you wanted is it...
damn u mishy! I was gonna tell her it all looks handwritten and oh so elegant!
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sister,
Haha.. the font (the handwritten one) looks very pretty actually!
If I can be of any help, please let me know. My top banner is all an image, including the font. Why don't you do that?? And if you can't, send me a pic of the top banner, and the font (if it's a font found online, the link).. and I'll put it on for you. My email is amtullah79@yahoo.ca
Alrighty dear, have fun messing with html, it can get addictive.
Wa'alaykum as-salaam
Love Farhana
great entry this:) moving on now to the rest of your stuff. you're good!:)
your header is indeed worth loving .... nice layout
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