Which do you live in?
I don't know if anyone has come across this poemy thing before but it was in the ikea catalogue thingy which we got in the post, it's also on their T.V. advert. I liked so i thought i'd put it up, with a bit of personalistation... :) enjoy
P.S. I did it in word and then pasted it onto paint to turn it into an image so thats why its a bit fuzzy...
Peace be upon you,
Thank The God, I live in a home...
Although I don't know so much, perhaps if you pasted this into another image programme it might not be so fuzzy (I think it depend what format/compression you save as). Also you could try doing it in powerpoint and saving the slide as an image.
I'm not sure if there are better suggestions-- just sharing what I know (not much).
Dont be sad
Yeah I remember reading this in the Ikea catalogue too, its cute! V clever idea too.
"If it could talk could it tell you what your favourite colour is?" PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE. Both home and my home away from home would be able to scream that :D
Did anyone ever do that measuring height thing when they grew up? I read/saw it in American stuff and always wished that I could do it (yeah yeah, not that it would go very high up har har)
And remember, just because somebody's home is cosy doesn't mean you can go rifling through their drawers.
Don't be sad: thanks for dropping by, thanks for your advice. Well i print screened from word cause it had all the clip art and stuff then pasted it in paint. i think i should have just done it in photoshop or summat, thanks for the advice though i'll keep it in mind next time
Mishy: Yeh i like it too i was watching tv the other day and was on my laptop my parents were there too and the advert came on, it sounded familiar then i realised where it was from. The catalogue was on the table so i gave a reading of the rest of it. my parents just looked at me in a wierd way... no didn't do that measuring thing but it sounds fun, i think i'll do it with my own kids but it's not going to be on the back of the bathroom door!! maybe in thier own room. Haha omg your not going to get over that are you!! we didn't intend to stumble across what was in the draw!! we had finished praying and we were sat on the prayer mat, we saw your guitar poking out of your bag and we were in a mischeivous mood, so we thought we would hide it. The drawer was the nearest place!! we didn't intend to come across it's contents!! and we did not rifle through it!! :P
Ewwwwwww! We so did not rifle through it!! But the pretty thing on the back of your door sure was nice ;)
i cut out this poem to stick on the inside of one my files but i misplaced it...could you email me this so I can print it of please?
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sister,
Oh this is so cute! Jazak'Allah for sharing.
I like the way you designed it :) masha'Allah.
Wa'alaykum as-salaam
Love Farhana
Ymiss: sure i'll email it you
Farahana: Nice to see you here glad you like it, it is cute isn't it!
jeez it's only been 6 days...
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