Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Planning for the future

Today our University campus was busy with college students and their parents taking tours around the university, cause today it was the psychology departments open day.
On the bus home i was sat near some college students who were discussing the trials and tribulations of college.
Whilst walking up the hill which separates my house from the bus stop i pondered over how just a few years ago i was in the place of all the people i had seen today. It amazed me how much i had changed since college and even from the first year of uni!, the memory of my younger self made me smile, i missed myself, but i'm happy about the way i am now too. When i saw the fresh faced college students looking in awe at the university buildings i remembered, myself in that position, being totally oblivious to the essay deadlines, the exams, the constant reminders from the library to return books, the travelling which awaited me.
Three years on and i don't regret a minute of it, even leaving my essays till the day before to start! i mean how else would i have discovered my surprising ability to cobble together an essay worthy of a 2:1 in a day! or even knowing how spending that little bit extra time can push my grade up to a first...
Now i find myself thinking of the inevitable, what i'm going to do when i leave Uni? For the past three years i've been going through uni with the intention of becoming an educational psychologist. Recently ive been playing with the idea of completeing a PGCE, as most educational psychologists have been teachers, or at least trained as a teacher, as it kind of adds another dimension to your psychological perspective. You know the things kids have to learn, thus as a psychologist you are better able to come up with methods to maximize the childrens learning potential. Then i went from toying with the idea to filling in an application form, however when it got to the personal statement part, the bit were you tell the uni how your life has been spent preparing to go to their uni, the bit where you answer the "why teaching" question, i was stumped. My answer to that question was " but i don't want to teach...", i really don't have that burning desire to teach, or even to do a PGCE.
Then i decided that i don't want to study further at all, not a PGCE not a Masters in education psychology, nothing. I've studied at Uni for three years, spent two years at college, and ten years at school, thats enough, i'm ready to enter the "working world". I want to finish Uni and get a job, not study some more. So far the jobs that i have had have all been part time, allowing me to have several jobs at once, and still have free time, so maybe i'll get a few part time jobs, at least i won't get bored! and my burning desire? perhaps one day to start my own kinda business thingy selling handmade stuff, you know like bags, purses, brooches n stuff. Well that's, what i want to do anyway, lets wait and see what God's got in store for me:)

P.S. Actually there is one degree i wouldn't mind doing, that's a degree in embroidery at Man Met uni. I mean it's not just embroidery but it's like an art form!! you get to exhibit you work at galleries and museums, and everything! how cool would that day)


Anonymous said...

You should def do that handmade business-y thing. I'll help you dodge tax :)

Anonymous said...

just gotten over (ish) this post. Can't belive you won't be doing a PGCE oh well if your hearts not in it then don't do it.

I know a guy a who does a graphics course at MMU, I showed you pics of his work remember? Well when he was giving a tour he mentioned the degree you mentioned. We could go check out the department and examples of the work to see if you like it. Don't worry about getting in, i'll handle it. Oooo another match making oppertunity ;)

I won't leave my name in case ur sis reads this and thinks badly of me!!

Anonymous said...

oh and the getting in bit i meant getting into the department to see the work, there's nothing i can do about actually getting you on the course....unless you think its worth me going in and fluttring afew eyelashes? ;)

Anonymous said...

anon dont worry i dont think bad of you whoever you are

Atypical said...

Mishy:i shall take you up on that offer on day:)

"anonymous" (gee i wonder who you could be...) Ok slowwww down woman, i meant i was going to do it some time in the near future, not necessarily next year... but i'll call on you when i do decide to do it...

Anonymous said...

Damn it! thought it would be soon and you would marry the guy I told you about and spend your time making creative things and giving me free samples of everything,I even had names for your kids!!!

Hmmm who could I be, I wonder I wonder

Sidra: Hello

Atypical said...

Anonymous, i meant i was going to do the embroidery degree in a couple of years time not marriage, sheesh woman your worse than all the aunty gees which make a bloody hobby of matchmaking...

Anonymous said...
