A Published Author
Yep that’s me. I am now officially a published author :D Ok it’s not a full length novel but it’s a start!
You may recall one of my earlier posts about Scribble magazine, a local creative writing magazine which showcases poems and stories submitted by people in the community(if not you can read it here). well every issue has a topic, the topic for the current issue is HAPPINESS. As soon as I read the word, the poem began forming in my mind, words were being formed into a poem almost instantly. At first I didn’t really bother with it in fact I didn’t really like the poem at all, but it lodged itself in my mind and constantly nagged me with its continual presence. So I reluctantly gave in and thought I would email it to the editor of the magazine. After a few initial email errors and a few months down the line I had totally forgotten about it only to find it had been published, you can read it for yourself here :D
I know it's a bit small but it just doesn't get bigger without being fuzzy, you can read the whole magazine online here
I'm your first commentee!
(Ahem, thought you would edit your name out of the picture, and add JTM to it!?)
Anyways~ WOW!
*Pat on the back*
Our star in the making!
So when is the book coming out then!?
"JTM and I"?
"Observations of a Gori in disguise"?
"At home with JTM and Ymiss"?
So what will it be?!
Oh wow! I likes, I likes ;) It's given me an idea....
Oh and happy 21st hun :)
Shu Shu: congratulations on being my first commentee:)
haha i was going to edit my name out but i was trying to resize it for ages (which didn't work!!!) then i was just to annoyed to do it so i couldn't be bothered...
lol love the book titles!! i think i'll write them all!!
Ymiss: An idea oooh sounds interesting...
Happy birthday! And congrats on the poem :)
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