The Lake District
As we had visitors last week we did the usual touristy things that you never seem to do until you have relatives over from abroad, going to the Lake District was one of them. Last time we went we visited Lake Windermere, which is the closest one and only takes about an hour or so, this time however my uncle had the genius idea of going to the furthest (farthest?) lake possible, I can’t even remember the name of the place but what I do remember is that it took about 2 and a half hours to get there. I wouldn’t have really been bothered as the surrounding country side was absolutely wonderful but I wasn’t in the mood at all, after about an hour in the car I started getting restless and irritable, after 2 hours I started feeling nauseous. When we finally found a parking space my cousin who was sat in the other car got out and puked up and everybody else was cranky and annoyed after being stuck in a car for so long. I don’t know what it is about vomiting but once you see someone else vomit it just makes you all the more nauseous, so I made a conscious effort to stay as far away as possible...We also took the barbeque, so the food coupled with the fresh air cheered everyone up, and soon enough everyone was their usual selves, the kids were in the water, the boys/men were playing football and the women were sat chatting about anything and everything. We got home pretty late so we went to bed straight away, there’s something about spending a nice day out and then coming home to a nice warm bed which makes you feel content with life and everything in it…
I wasn’t really in a picture taking mood so most of the pictures are courtesy of my aunt and my sister…
I love the brooding clouds in the background.
This picture makes me smile.....
A little boat by the pier
These swans were utterly ravenous, they even took the bread from our hands, never mind waiting for us to threw it in the water

Countryside view

The lake itself...

.....And another angle
The setting sun..... well the sun's somewhere....
At first the moon was hiding behind some tree's but when it emerged it looked amazing it was soo big!!, i had to take a picture of it but cameras and cars don't mix....i too about a hundred pictures (the joys of having a digital camera!!) and about three were decent. I like this one though cause the clouds are beginning to cover the moon up.
Love the first pic, it looks like one of those arty farty ones. Our family's rubbish, we never go anywhere. If they don't have work it's "oh we have work tomorrow, I'm tired". Can I go with you next time you go somewhere? I'll sit in the boot I don't mind.
'there’s something about spending a nice day out and then coming home to a nice warm bed which makes you feel content with life and everything in it…'
Aww I love that feeling to...hope saturday is like that. Irritable after 2 hours in a car hmmm make sure u bring a book with you on sat!
glad you had a nice time at the end of it all.
i've only been to the lake district once and it was after a work conference. i got confused because i always assumed it was one big lake, then i got lost and just came home
Mishy:lol ok you can come but it's definitely gonig to be the boot for you...
Ymiss: lol i think sat will definitely be like that especially if we get to the top (thats going to be a big enough achievment for us two!. haha i'll probably be asleep, i'm not reading anything at the moment, because i've got nothing to read......:( maybe you can bring me summat:)
Hema: awww, i thought that at first before we went there the first time, i think you might have been at lake windermere, my dad's been on trainings and stuff for work there
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