Friday, 6 July 2007

The Facebook Phenomenon

At first I refused to join because I didn’t want to frit away more hours than I already do on the internet. However now it’s personal, I am adamant I’m not going to join face book, not now, not ever. It’s not even because I don’t want to waste more time on the internet, it’s a matter of principal, I said I’m not going to join so I’m not. Quite a few people I know have been lost to the lure of face book, but not me, nope, no siree, I’m going to stay strong. You can read one man’s point of view here, which in a way inspired this post… did a conversation held in pizza hut…

What kind of name is face book anyway……it’s not a book, it’s an insult to books!!


YMiss said...

hahah I knew that converstaion in pizza hut would come back to haunt me!!

You know it's true all that glitters isn't gold - facebook certainly didn't live up to my expectations but hey you live and you learn :-P

YMiss said...

oh and I lurrrrrrrrve the new template tres bien mademoiselle xx

YMiss said...

you know what mishy's just text you twas my idea, brillant huh. Oh and im making the almound things 4 my mum 2moro xx

Atypical said...

haha well i suppose you learn from you mistakes!
I thought you two were conferreing she was taking a little longer than usual to reply to my texts.....lemme know how the almond things go

YMiss said...

ooo I don't know then the things at work, we were conferring but then got distracted so not sure

Anonymous said...

Completely agree with you 110%.Its sad how easily the weak are lured to the clutches of facebook *cough* ymiss *cough*

I will never join facebook. Me and jtm, me and you.

Oh and ymiss, I've got the car for next Sun. Sorted.

Anonymous said...

i would also like to publically declare that i shall never sucumb to the bizarre public trend that is facebook.
for one thing, people harldy write anythign on there. it's just uploading pictures and videos and stuff. what's the point?

Atypical said...

lol nice to know i've started a face book revolution of sorts....

Anonymous said...

Hahaha~ yeah~ well, i'm not addicted to facebook, so it's fine. I'm just grateful for it's existence because it found me my long lost childhood friend. That's the only reason why i kept using it, it's for that purpose only i like using it. I just think it's a good way to network people that's all. But go you and mishy for resisting joining! Keep up the good work!
And btw, what is happening on sunday?! why does mishy need her car?

Anonymous said...

Btw love that tiny last line. "It's an insult to books" HAHAHAH!

And just realised that you're on Blogspot haha, i thought you got dragged to WP too! Btw which is better in your opinion?! I'm finding WP so annoying to use!

Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Se você quiser linkar meu blog no seu eu ficaria agradecido, até mais e sucesso. (If you speak English can see the version in English of the Camiseta Personalizada. If he will be possible add my blog in your blogroll I thankful, bye friend).

Atypical said...


aaww you found a long lost friend thats really sweet

on Sunday mishy and Asma MIGHT come to my house for cooking lessons...

yeh i'm staying faithfull to blogspot...well in my humble opinion blogspot is the best..but i'm only saying that ccus i havn't used WP ask ymiss she's used both she'll tell you

ooo so you're moving blog i's about time too!!

Rodrigo dear..i don't have a clue of what you just typed.....