T.V. Round Up
What I've been watching for the past few days
Cricket: Australia won thecricket world cup.Aarrgghh.i really don't like the Australian cricket team, i don't know why. The final was farcical anyway. They had to stop for rain twice. Stop for bad lighting once. At one point Australia thought they had won and starting running around the pitch, even the podium and everything was brought on. But no .The umpires said Sri Lanka had 3 overs left so they had to play. This is the third consecutive world cup they've won and they won every match they played in the world cup. I suppose they deserve it.
Heroes: I love heroes!! we stated watching it last week. Ok i have to admit it's not that original, i mean the man who painted the future?! like we haven't heard that before, nuclear bombs, power hungry villans, and it does have undertones of x-men thrown in for good measure. But i still like it all the same, but it's not for the faint hearted, there's much to much blood and gore
The Wright stuff: Me (i have Mondays off uni) and my aunty (shes on maternity leave) were going to town, when she came to pick me up i was still getting ready, so she watched some good old daytime t.v. As i was putting my hijaab on i overheard the discussion they were having on the Wright stuff (the presenters second name is Wright). Anyway the discussion was should manners be taught at school or should it be upto the parents. One caller said the school should do it, and instead of teaching religious education they should teach manners, as religious education isn 't important. This hit a nerve, I'm quite a happy go lucky kind of person but this was just ignorance. If taught properly pretty much all religions teach good manners and morals, i mean it's part of the core principles of religion!. They go hand in hand, it's like fish and chips dammit!! and why the hell should it be up to the school to teach good manners, what have the parents been doing all these years?!! it's common sense to teach your child to say "please" and "thank you", teach them to treat other's how you want be treated and to basically be a good person!!....... and deep breath :)
You watch rubbish t.v!! Actually I can't say much I watch hardly any. We have 2 t.vs on one its constant boring sport and on the other its some boring asain channel.
I have downloaded stuff to watch but always forget about it.....thanks for reminding me, I still havn't finished watching final episode of the O.C. Before you say start complaining that it's rubbish, it's not! It's just trashy yet entertaining ;-)
We need a trip, let me know when your dossology exams are over
Nooo I hate Matthew Wright - Jeremy Kyles the MAN! I'm never up early enough for it but whenever I do catch it its hilarious
Oooh I love Heroes, how cute is Hiro? I just wana shrink him and put him in my pocket! I can't stand Micah or his mum, she doesn't even have a power, shes just got split personality disorder. I'm watching it on TV (think I've just seen ep 12)so don't give me any spoilers
ok ymiss i agree for someone who doesn't understand cricket it seems rubbish, i used to hate it but due to unforseen circumstances at the beginning of the world cup i was sofa ridden for a day and had to endure cricket for a whole afternoon, by the time i actually could get up i was genuinley interested and wanted to watch the rest of the match.
I don't really watch the wright show much but i can't stand Jeremy Kyle's show it just does my head, the people who come on there need to get a life....
But heroes don't knock untill you've watched it!!! Hiro and his Hiroism's are sooo cute i can't remember which one episode 12 is but Hiro just gets cuter and cuter and theres a few moments of "aww bless" between Hiro and Ando
This week Hiro tried taking the sqord formt he museum but it was a fake, I loved the way he just slumped his shoulders and said "I'll take it back" Awww!
Apprentice anyone? Tre's a genius! This week it was only 5mins in and already he was making racist comments, tee hee.
Btw do you still go Falinge? I'm thinking of ending it this week because exams are soon, are we allowed to do that or is there a certain time we have to end?
i do like the apprentice but i havn't even watched one full episode this time it comes on at nine i finish work at 9.30 takes me about 15 min to get home and then i just catch the tail end of it :(
well i think this coming week is their last week anyway they were on work experience for last two weeks and then it's just next week i think....
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