A chink in the armour
personally i wasn't a big fan of the whole nasheed craze and am still not, i suppose I've built an invisible armour against nasheeds they kinda bounce off before reaching me.. i think in most case's it's the music that accompanied the lyrics, I'm not very fond of the Arabic/Moroccan music that comes hand in hand with the lyrics, it puts me off the song before i even listen to the lyrics. I'm not even going to start on the rap type songs.......
But here i was using the ever trustworthy Google, innocently looking for the song "pizza in his pocket", (i didn't even know the artist name but i heard it on crescent radio and thought it was the cutest song ever). Through my searches i discovered that the name of the artist was Zain Bhikha. I'd recently heard of this guy a few times, as i had never seen his name written down i always presumed his name was spelt "beaker", my initial thought was "Beaker?! what kind of name is that..."Thus thanks to Google my misconceptions were cleared, and i continued my quest.
I must admit i found them a refreshing change from the usual nasheeds (not that I've heard loads..) the whole idea of having children's vocals is sooo cute and must admit it has a bigger impact on you when a child sings especially "my mother is amazing" it made me quite emotional the first time i listened to it ..... an adult singing that just wouldn't be the same, same goes for "Allah knows" and "flowers are red" they just sound so good and they actually make me think about whatever the nasheed is about . So Mr Bhika has achieved what no other nasheed artists has .............he has made a chink in the armour (albeit a very small one, which still won't allow in rap type nasheeds, and won't allow me to go to nasheed concerts with screaming hijabis(??!!) ):)
Not read it yet but wanted to be the first to post. Mwhahahahaaha
hawwww mishy! that's my job! anyway I have read it and agree with you about nasheeds i'm not a big fan either and find alot of them quite cheesy but 'Allah Knows' is good 1
Misbah!! the idea is that you read it and then post..........
You know what I completely forgot to read it for some reason. Anyways I have now and I have to agree with you, I'm really not a fan of nasheeds. However I can't say I like Zain Bhika either! I do like some of Dawud Wharnsby Ali's stuff and at a stretch I like that rap group, can't remember their name though but thats only live, I don't choose to listen to that stuff at home.
There, a proper comment, happy now?!
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